Shirley Smith
Cravendale Holiday Flats
11 St Martin Square,
South Cliff, Scarborough YO11 2DQ
Telephone: 07891 291139
Lynn Jackson
The Paragon
123 Queens Parade
YO12 7HU
Telephone: 01723 372676
The Association was formed in 1923, and has steadily grown and adapted to the present-day requirements of its Members. It has evolved into one of the most active and foremost organisations in the town, working for its membership in many ways. Local issues affecting Tourism are always monitored and when necessary campaigned by the Officers and Executive Committee. Often this has successful results which might not have transpired without the Association support. A close liaison with the Tourism and Amenities Department, Council Offices and the local Tourism Authority, Discover Yorkshire Coast, has been forged over many years, enabling consultation on important matters, to keep the membership abreast of anything that might affect their industry and indeed other residents in the town.
This is comprised of 12 Members elected annually for a term of three years. This includes a President and Vice-President and all Executive Committee Members hold Office for a minimum of one year. At the end of each of their three year term, the President, Vice-President and Executive Members may seek re-election for a further term except for the President and Vice-President who may only seek re-election in their respective Offices up to a maximum of two consecutive terms i.e. six years. Should the President or Vice-President wish to terminate their position at any time during their three year term, a period of six months’ notice must be given and served to enable the Association to elect a replacement and allow a suitable transition for a transfer of duties and responsibilities.
This is comprised of 12 Members as follows :
President, Vice President, 10 other Committee Members, Secretary/Treasurer to be employed by the Executive Committee as required
The President, Vice President and all Executive Committee Members hold Office for a minimum of one year and each serve for a term of three years. Having completed their three year term Members shall be eligible for re-election. The President and Vice President may not serve more than two consecutive terms in their respective Offices (i.e six years)
The President or Vice President should give six months notice of their intention to terminate their position at any time during their three year term. Notice must be given and served to enable the Association to elect a replacement and allow a suitable transition of duties and responsibilities.
The time spent on the Executive Committee involves a lot of demanding work and commitment and is supported by the Secretary which is a salaried position and whose duties include running the Office administration and accounts as well as being a contact point for Members, although the Committee are available by telephone whenever required. The Office can help with any queries, problems or advice on most matters, and if the Secretary cannot help personally, he/she will try to find somebody who can!
The various sub-committees undertake specific tasks and play an important role in benefiting Members, often involving work which does not come directly to your attention but takes up much of their time outside their own businesses. The Association is also represented on various local committees – not only to provide a voice for the hospitality industry in the town, but ensuring its best interests are served. Such committees are : Police Liaison and Forum for Tourism
The efforts of our Marketing team have proved beyond doubt to be of benefit to Scarborough itself, as well as those Members who have taken the opportunity to participate in schemes such as Discover Yorkshire Coast Holiday Guide, Attractions and Events Guide for the Yorkshire Coast & North York Moors , The Great Outdoors Guide for the Yorkshire Coast, North York Moors & The Howardian Hills and their website, Scarborough Town maps and Scarborough Pocket Guide whilst working within a tight budget. The Association often works jointly with the Tourism Services (Discover Yorkshire Coast), presenting a professional package at many exhibitions and individual promotions.
Throughout the year various social events are arranged which include visits to local tourist attractions and the Annual Dinner Dance for the Yorkshire Coast, which is a successful evening and very well attended. This is an opportunity for Members to mix socially and especially for newcomers to meet their fellow Members.
These are usually held out of season and although they are informal, often include discussions on current issues and topics that may be of concern. Guest speakers, suppliers and manufacturers of products that will be of interest to Members are invited to make these meetings enjoyable and relevant.
The Association’s newsletter, Viewpoint, is distributed regularly to all Members and contains up-to-date information, articles of interest and general contact details. Members are encouraged to contribute items to the Editor and can take advantage of placing for sale advertisements free of charge provided space permits.
Many of you may be surprised at the various aspects involved in your Membership, and this brief resume should give a good idea of how the Association works for you. As mentioned earlier, the Executive Committee members give up a large part of their personal time to keep the wheels in motion, involving challenging work that may not be evident but is vital to the smooth running and continuation of the Association. However, Scarborough Hospitality Association is not just about the Executive Committee and all Members are encouraged to take an active role and get involved in anything that takes their interest.
Copies of the required minimum standards can be obtained from the Office/Website. Minimum Standards